sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)

Onco-Innovations Joins OTCQB Market to Boost U.S. Presence

Onco-Innovations Limited has announced the trading of its common shares on the OTCQB marketplace under the symbol "ONNVF". The shares will also remain listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under "ONCO". This strategic move aims to improve the company's visibility and accessibility for U.S. investors.

According to CEO Thomas O'Shaughnessy, the OTCQB listing is a significant milestone, providing a platform to effectively engage with U.S. investors and expand the shareholder base. Onco-Innovations focuses on cancer research, aiming to innovate in oncology treatments and enhance patient outcomes.

The listing on the OTCQB Venture Market offers real-time quotes and market data available at, supporting Onco-Innovations' long-term growth objectives in the U.S.

R. E.

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