sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)

Onco-Innovations' Inka Health Enters EOI with Quantify Research

Onco-Innovations Limited has announced an Expression of Interest between its subsidiary, Inka Health, and Quantify Research. This agreement focuses on synergizing data analytics in oncology research, utilizing AI-driven predictive modeling for enhanced cancer treatment insights.

Quantify Research, known for its expertise in healthcare data analytics, aims to support the development of SynoGraph™, Inka's platform for precision medicine. The collaboration will involve refining SynoGraph™ models with real-world data from various clinical sources, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

This EOI aligns with Onco-Innovations' mission to transform cancer research. By leveraging Quantify's experience, Inka Health hopes to innovate oncology treatments and improve patient outcomes through data-driven insights.

R. H.

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