sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)

Onco-Innovations Explores AI-Driven Collaboration with Quantify Research

Onco-Innovations Limited, through its subsidiary Inka Health, has entered into an Expression of Interest (EOI) with Quantify Research. This collaboration aims to leverage advanced data analytics in oncology, enhancing cancer treatment through AI-driven predictive modeling. Inka Health plans to develop its SynoGraph™ platform using Quantify's expertise in real-world data insights.

Quantify Research specializes in healthcare data analytics, providing valuable insights to pharmaceutical companies and healthcare institutions. With over a decade of experience, Quantify will assist Inka Health in refining SynoGraph™ by utilizing structured data from electronic health records, genomics, and other clinical metrics.

Paul Arora, CEO of Inka Health, sees this partnership as pivotal for integrating real-world data analytics to advance precision medicine in oncology. This strategic move aligns with Onco-Innovations' mission to transform cancer treatment and optimize clinical trial designs.

R. P.

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