sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)
Onco-Innovations Advances AI-Driven Oncology Research
Onco-Innovations Limited has announced a breakthrough in AI-driven oncology research through its subsidiary, Inka Health. The study, published in medRxiv, focuses on creating synthetic patient data to address challenges in studying rare cancers. This effort utilizes machine learning to overcome limitations in traditional patient data collection.
Dr. Winson Cheung, along with notable cancer researchers, leads the study titled "ECLIPSE." The initiative aims to develop synthetic patient cohorts using AI. This method is part of digital twin technology, important for improving the design of clinical trials, especially in cases where control groups are hard to establish.
Inka Health is also expanding its AI platform, SynoGraph, to enhance precision oncology and drug development for rare cancers. This initiative holds promise for the broader healthcare landscape by providing a scalable, data-centric solution.
R. H.
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