sur Fusion
Omaha Healthcare Firm Fusion Wins Awards for Marketing and Design Innovations
Omaha-based healthcare company, Fusion, has earned accolades for its innovative marketing and design efforts, highlighted by a dual award win for its brand launch and the environmental graphics at its new headquarters. The company's in-house marketing department's creativity was showcased in late 2023, earning a silver Creative Nebraska award and a Graphic Design USA Award. These projects highlight Fusion's commitment to integrating its brand identity into all aspects of its operations.
The comprehensive rebranding initiative spanned multiple years, culminating in the unveiling of a new parent brand and two rebranded business units. Fusion's strategy encompassed email, social media, public relations, print, promotion, and paid digital marketing to engage a broad audience. This effort aimed to educate stakeholders about Fusion's brand evolution, demonstrating the company's unique culture and vision. These efforts were recognized nationally, with the brand launch receiving accolades from Graphic Design USA's American Graphic Design Awards.
Chief Marketing Officer Tara Sprakel expressed pride in her team's creative achievements, which set a high standard for Fusion's marketing endeavors. The design of the environmental graphics at the new headquarters, a collaboration with RDG Planning and Design and Renze, further emphasizes Fusion's innovative approach to brand identity. This recognition places Fusion among well-branded companies, highlighting its place within a competitive landscape.
R. H.
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