sur OHB AG (isin : DE0005936124)
OHB to Lead Development of LEO-PNT Navigation Demonstration Satellites
OHB System AG, part of OHB SE space technology group, has been named the prime contractor by the Spanish company GMV for the LEO-PNT navigation satellite program. Tasked with the development and assembly of four satellites, along with associated payloads, the contract's value for OHB stands at approximately EUR 38 million. This agreement with the ESA marks a significant step forward in the advancement of navigation technology.
The LEO-PNT program is set to utilize OHB's experience from the Galileo navigation satellite program, aiming to enhance the robustness of navigation signals and facilitate new applications like autonomous driving. These satellites, compact in size, are crucial for transmitting accurate navigation signals. Their novel design includes advanced algorithms and standards to ensure precise positioning and mitigate space debris risks. Additionally, these satellites will retire safely from orbit to prevent any space debris accumulation.
With an ambitious schedule, the launch of OHB's four demonstration satellites is expected in about two and a half years, promising immediate operation. Prior to this, a preliminary technology demonstrator will be tested in space using a CubeSAT, paving the way for the comprehensive LEO-PNT constellation's development.
R. H.
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