sur OHB AG (isin : DE0005936124)

OHB Group Releases Preliminary 2024 Financial Figures

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action OHB AG (EBR:OHB).

OHB SE has revealed its preliminary financial results for fiscal year 2024. The aerospace company reported total revenues of EUR 1,030.2 million, marking a decline from the previous year’s EUR 1,182.8 million. Operating results also saw a decrease, with EBITDA falling from EUR 162.1 million to EUR 53.2 million, leading to a reduced EBITDA margin of 5.2%, compared to 13.7% in 2023.

EBIT dropped sharply to EUR 14.1 million from EUR 125.0 million the previous year, and the EBIT margin decreased to 1.4% from 10.6%. The financial outcomes were influenced by project-related risk provisions and group-wide transformation expenses. Absent these, adjusted EBITDA for 2024 was EUR 111.1 million, up from EUR 87.1 million in 2023.

Despite these setbacks, OHB achieved a significant increase in order intake, reaching EUR 1,671 million, nearly doubling the EUR 920 million the previous year. Additionally, free cash flow was positively reported at EUR 148.1 million as of December 31, 2024. These figures await auditor review and board approval, with final results to be published on March 20, 2025.

R. H.

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