sur NXT Energy Solutions, Inc. (isin : CA62948Q1072)

NXT Energy Solutions Reaches Finals at Platts Global Energy Awards

NXT Energy Solutions Inc., based in Calgary, has been recognized as a finalist for the Energy Transition Award in the Upstream category at the Platts Global Energy Awards. This event highlights innovation and leadership across 19 categories within the energy and chemicals sectors. The recognition follows NXT's recent win for "Best Exploration Technology" at the 2024 Gulf Energy Information Excellence Awards.

Bruce G. Wilcox, CEO of NXT, expressed gratitude for this acknowledgment, viewing it as a milestone for the company's efforts in energy transition. The awards, as commented by Allison Sacco, Executive Producer of S&P Global Commodity Insights, celebrate industry leaders steering towards sustainable innovation. The winners will be revealed on December 12 at a gala in New York.

R. P.

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