sur NXT Energy Solutions, Inc. (isin : CA62948Q1072)
NXT Energy Solutions Completes Convertible Debenture Offering
NXT Energy Solutions Inc. has finalized the last tranche of its private placement of convertible debentures amounting to US$900,000. The debentures were issued to Ataraxia Capital, totaling US$400,000 in this final phase, with conditional approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange. These debentures have an annual interest rate of 10% and are convertible into common or preferred shares at a rate that could yield Ataraxia up to 3,750,000 common shares.
The funds from these debentures will support NXT's working capital for upcoming SFD® surveys in Africa and Southeast Asia, covering administrative expenses. Ataraxia now holds US$2,300,000 in debentures, giving them potential control over 14.7% of NXT's common shares.
R. E.
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