sur OHB AG (isin : DE0005936124)

NuWays AG Issues Sell Recommendation for OHB SE

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action OHB AG (EBR:OHB).

On August 28, 2024, NuWays AG updated its recommendation for OHB SE, downgrading it to "SELL". This recommendation comes after KKR announced that all offer conditions for their acquisition had been met. The final transfer of shares is expected by September 6, 2024.

Following the transfer, OHB SE will be controlled by the Fuchs Family (65.35%) and KKR (28.64%), together holding 93.99% of the shares. This new structure falls just 0.7% short of the squeeze-out threshold. NuWays expects KKR to acquire this gap through remaining free-float shares or special situation funds.

Delisting is anticipated but not before mid-2025. NuWays advises remaining free float shareholders to sell their shares at current levels, citing potential risks associated with owning potentially illiquid stock.

R. P.

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