sur NorthWest Copper Corp. (isin : CA66744H1047)

NorthWest Copper Announces Resignation of Chair Grant Sawiak

NorthWest Copper Corp. has announced the resignation of Grant Sawiak, effective April 3, 2024. Sawiak stepped down from his roles as a director and chair due to disagreements with the board over a strategy he proposed to maximize shareholder value, which remains unapproved due to a deadlock among board members. He cited his inability to continue in his role under these circumstances and mentioned having faced threats of personal litigation from certain retail shareholders for opposing decisions that would benefit them financially, albeit improperly.

Sawiak believed that with the correct management of its assets, NorthWest Copper could become a leading entity in the junior copper mining sector. His resignation comes amidst his concern for the company’s direction and shareholder value maximization strategy, highlighting internal challenges and external pressures faced by the company's leadership.

R. E.

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