sur Northern Superior Resources Inc. (isin : CA6658043089)

Northern Superior Announces the Appointment of Eric Desaulniers to Its Board of Directors

Northern Superior Resources Inc. (TSXV:SUP)(OTCQB:NSUPF) has appointed Eric Desaulniers to its Board of Directors, effective immediately. Desaulniers, known for his achievements in Québec, brings extensive experience to the company. This move comes as Northern Superior continues its exploration and consolidation efforts in the Chibougamau Gold Camp, signaling readiness for future development phases.

Desaulniers is the President and CEO of Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG), where he has led the company in forming key partnerships and agreements with major corporations like Panasonic Energy and General Motors. He has also played a significant role in the Quebec government's Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Minerals.

Desaulniers expressed enthusiasm for joining Northern Superior, highlighting the potential of the Philibert Gold Project in the Chibougamau region. Victor Cantore, Executive Chairman of Northern Superior, praised Desaulniers' accomplishments and welcomed him to the board.

Desaulniers' background includes a bachelor's degree in geology and a master's degree in geophysics from Laval University. He has overseen numerous large-scale projects globally and served as an Infantry Officer in the Canadian Forces.

R. E.

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