sur NioCorp Developments Ltd. (isin : CA6544846091)
NioCorp Explores Rare Earth Recycling at Elk Creek Project
NioCorp Developments Ltd. will present its plans for rare earth production and recycling at the 20th Annual Rare Earth Conference in Washington, D.C. on October 15, 2024. The company aims to produce commercial-grade magnetic rare earth oxides at its Elk Creek Project in Nebraska, potentially including heavy rare earth oxides like dysprosium and terbium. NioCorp also plans to explore recycling post-consumer rare earth magnets.
The Elk Creek Project is designed to utilize a whole ore leach process to produce niobium, scandium, titanium, and potentially magnetic rare earth oxides. This process could enable the recycling of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets into separated rare earth oxides, potentially creating new magnets.
NioCorp's CEO, Mark A. Smith, will present additional details at the conference. The company also plans to explore processing magnetic rare earth concentrates from multiple sources, possibly increasing its output of heavy rare earth oxides beyond current forecasts.
R. E.
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