NFON Unveils "NFON NEXT 2027" Strategy for Sustainable Growth and AI Integration

NFON AG, a prominent European provider of integrated business communications, has announced its updated strategy, "NFON NEXT 2027". This initiative aims for sustainable growth and leadership in AI-based business communication solutions. The strategy focuses on enhancing revenue and efficiency through innovative AI solutions, emphasizing operational excellence in a dynamic market.

The strategy underscores the importance of customer-centric innovation and efficient structures to bolster competitiveness. NFON aims to expand its user base, fortify core products, and exploit AI to better understand customer needs and enhance productivity. Strategic acquisition of AI specialist botario is pivotal to this direction.

NFON's transformation towards a customer and partner-centric business aims to strengthen relationships and optimize customer experiences. Emphasizing scalable and flexible business models, NFON is set to ensure operational excellence, promising to adjust swiftly to market changes.

With an emphasis on innovation and collaboration, NFON seeks to become a market leader and attractive employer, offering substantial value to customers and partners. Details on these initiatives will follow in February and April.

R. P.

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