sur (isin : CA65345C1005) Unveils Social Media Marketing Initiative Amid New AI Product Launches, a Toronto-based provider of AI-driven 3D and AR solutions, has launched its inaugural social media marketing campaign in collaboration with This initiative, which began on February 5, 2025, marks the company's first major investment in social media-driven lead generation.

Aiming to enhance sales and brand visibility, the 12-week campaign will focus on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. This effort is part of's broader strategy to boost customer engagement and acquisition through AI-powered ad optimization and data analytics.

In tandem with its marketing push, has also announced a new suite of AI products to advance 3D modeling and AR applications. The company plans further releases in the coming months to support long-term growth and operational efficiency, targeting over 50% reduction in operational costs.

R. E.

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