sur (isin : CA65345C1005)

Nextech3D.AI Alters Fiscal Year-End to March 31

Nextech3D.AI Corporation, trading under CSE:NTAR, OTC:NEXCF, and FSE:1SS, has announced a change to its fiscal year-end, shifting from December 31 to March 31. This decision aims at aligning its financial disclosures with its affiliates, ensuring streamlined reporting obligations.

The company plans to file its annual disclosures for the period ending March 31, 2025, by July. These will include audited financial statements in line with National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations. Further details on interim reporting will be provided in the forthcoming Notice of Change of Financial Year-End on SEDAR.

Nextech emphasizes that forward-looking statements in this disclosure are subject to risks and uncertainties, with no assurance of accuracy regarding future events.

R. P.

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