Nexans Unveils 2028 Strategic Ambitions at Capital Markets Day

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action NEXANS (EPA:NEX).

On November 13, 2024, Nexans hosted its Capital Markets Day in London, revealing its strategic roadmap for 2025-2028. CEO Christopher Guérin disclosed plans to enhance the company's Electrification segment by fueling innovation and integrating artificial intelligence. Nexans aims for significant growth in new tech solutions and market segments.

The company targets an organic growth rate of 3-5% CAGR in its Electrification portfolio, with an adjusted EBITDA goal of €1,150 million by 2028. Nexans plans €1.2 billion in capital expenditures, primarily focusing on PWR-Grid and PWR-Connect segments. Additionally, free cash flow is projected to reach €1.4 billion by 2028.

Nexans is also committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting recycled copper content in its products, aligning with its sustainability goals.

R. E.

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