sur RedChip Companies, Inc. (Media Suite) (NASDAQ:JUNS)

Nexalin and Calidi Interviews to Feature on Bloomberg TV

This Saturday, Nexalin Technology and Calidi Biotherapeutics will be highlighted on the "RedChip Small Stocks, Big Money™" show, airing on Bloomberg TV. Nexalin's CEO, Mark White, discusses advancements in their non-invasive deep brain stimulation devices, supporting conditions like insomnia and PTSD, with a projected market worth $537 billion by 2030.

Calidi's CFO, Andrew Jackson, shares insights into the company's unique oncolytic virotherapy platforms. These are designed for a strategic cancer cell attack, supported by their clinical pipeline. Calidi aims to capture a market estimated between $13 billion and $15 billion. RedChip Companies sponsors this program, ensuring wide reach through Bloomberg TV's audience of 73 million U.S. homes.

R. E.

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