sur New To The Street
New Visionaries Series Episode Spotlights Acurx Pharmaceuticals on Bloomberg
The much-anticipated Visionaries Series, a collaboration between New to The Street and Sight & Sound, launches tomorrow at 6:30 PM EST on Bloomberg. The episode, featuring Acurx Pharmaceuticals, follows the impressive journey of its co-founders: David P. Luci, Robert J. DeLuccia, and Robert G. Shawah. This installment delves into their path from college days to the establishment of groundbreaking pharmaceutical companies, culminating in the creation of Acurx Pharmaceuticals.
The series sheds light on their determination and expertise, which have been pivotal in developing antibiotics that address significant global health issues. Acurx’s lead product candidate, ibezapolstat, is poised for international Phase 3 clinical trials, targeting C. difficile infections, and the company is also progressing with new treatments for ABSSSI and inhaled anthrax.
R. H.
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