sur New To The Street
New to the Street TV Announces Episode 594 Featuring Business Leaders on Bloomberg TV
FMW Media’s New to The Street will air Episode 594 on Bloomberg TV as sponsored programming on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 6:30 PM ET. The episode will feature interviews with four influential business entities: IMG Academy with Merrill Private Wealth, ZAPP Electric Vehicles, The Sustainable Green Team with Jimmy Houston, and SEKUR.
The IMG Academy segment will discuss their collaboration with Merrill Private Wealth to offer financial education to their athletes. ZAPP Electric Vehicles will showcase their urban electric two-wheeler, the i300. The Sustainable Green Team, led by CEO Tony Raynor, will discuss sustainable initiatives and their collaboration with TV personality Jimmy Houston. Meanwhile, Alain Ghiai from SEKUR will provide insights into recent cybersecurity breaches and solutions.
Episode 594 promises to deliver valuable insights from a diverse range of industries, spotlighting innovative solutions and partnerships.
R. P.
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