sur New To The Street
New to the Street Signs Exclusive One-Year Partnership With OPENMESH
New to The Street, a leading broadcast platform for business stories and financial news, has signed an exclusive one-year partnership with OPENMESH. This collaboration aims to showcase OPENMESH's groundbreaking decentralized network technology through long-form TV interviews, iconic billboards, and strong commercial support.
The partnership will help amplify OPENMESH's mission to create secure, scalable, and decentralized networks for businesses and individuals. Long-form interviews will provide an in-depth understanding of the technology's real-world applications, bolstered by TV commercials and billboard campaigns for extensive visibility across the U.S. and global markets.
OPENMESH's innovative blockchain-based solutions offer users access to decentralized and transparent networks, addressing growing demands for security and autonomy in digital ecosystems. The interviews will shed light on how OPENMESH plans to revolutionize communication networks across various sectors, including tech startups and enterprise-level organizations.
In a statement, Vince Caruso, CEO of FMW Media, said, "OPENMESH is pushing the boundaries of decentralized networks in ways that could fundamentally change how the world communicates and operates."
The long-form TV interviews aim to provide comprehensive insights into OPENMESH's technology and vision. These interviews will be aired on leading networks, reaching over 225 million households, and will also be shared on New to The Street's YouTube channel, which has 1.4 million subscribers, further amplifying the reach.
R. E.
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