sur New To The Street
New to The Street Secures 10 New and Returning Clients in Record-Breaking September
New York, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / New to The Street, a leading media platform for sponsored television segments and earned media opportunities, has started September with a record-breaking week, onboarding 10 new and returning clients.
Clients include LightPath Technologies Inc., IMG Academy/Merrill Lynch, OPENMESH, Usable Machines, SOLA Salons, Riflessi Clothing, and others. These clients have committed to one-year packages featuring outdoor media, long-form and short-form interviews, and comprehensive earned media components. This strategy allows clients to benefit from exposure on major networks like Bloomberg and Fox Business, as well as earned placements on ABC, CBS, and NBC.
This success underlines New to The Street's leadership in offering high-growth companies impactful media exposure, broadening its reach in national and international markets.
R. H.
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