sur New To The Street

New to The Street Celebrates Milestone 600th Episode on Bloomberg

New to The Street, one of the longest-running U.S. and international televised business news platforms, proudly announces the broadcast of its 600th episode. This special episode will air on Bloomberg this Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 6:30 PM ET as Sponsored Programming.

As a trusted source for groundbreaking business insights, New to The Street reaches millions of viewers weekly. The landmark episode will feature an exciting lineup of trailblazers in various industries, including electric vehicles, finance, sports, sustainability, and security.

Featured companies include ZAPP Electric Vehicles, GLINT Pay, IMG Academy, The Sustainable Green Team, and SEKUR Private Data Ltd. Each segment offers in-depth profiles of these dynamic companies, showcasing their contributions to innovation, sustainability, and security.

This milestone episode demonstrates New to The Street's ongoing commitment to connecting audiences with high-growth businesses, providing valuable insights and investment opportunities. Tune in to Bloomberg on Saturday to watch this special episode.

R. H.

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