sur Faro Health Inc

New Study Quantifies the Impact of Improved Clinical Trial Design Using Faro Health's Study Designer Tool

A recent study highlights the benefits of Faro Health's Study Designer Tool. This digital tool provides real-time feedback on clinical study protocols, aiding clinical teams in reducing costs, duration, and burden on sponsors, sites, and patients.

Published in Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science in collaboration with Merck, the study shows that a lean design methodology, facilitated by the tool, makes it easier to visualize and improve trial protocols. By starting from a "ground zero" schedule and adding changes deliberately, the tool demonstrates reduced participant burden, lower costs, and shorter trial durations compared to traditional methods.

Scott Chetham, CEO of Faro Health, emphasized the need for real-time feedback in clinical protocol development, which is typically done in Microsoft Word. The study reveals that a patient-centric digital tool can provide measurable feedback, empowering teams to make strategic decisions that enhance trial efficiency and participant experience.

Dr. Steve Cummings noted that the lean design process, when applied across various clinical trials at Merck, led to significant potential savings in time and costs. He believes this method can improve the efficiency of all clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies.

Faro's platform brings together words, data, and teams to enhance protocol design and patient experience through real-time impact analysis.

R. H.

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