sur Cangrade

New Study by Cangrade Reveals Gender Bias in Tech Job Descriptions

A recent study conducted by Cangrade has brought to light the ongoing issue of gender bias within tech job descriptions. In an industry where DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives are becoming more valued, yet remain underfunded, Cangrade's research underscores the critical need for addressing language bias that disproportionately affects women's participation in tech. The study finds that job descriptions in the tech sector feature significantly less feminine-coded language and are more inclined to use superlative language compared to other sectors.

Despite the broader inclusion of DE&I statements in tech job posts, the study highlights that these efforts are not sufficient. Notably, coding roles within the tech industry are found to demonstrate a 15% higher likelihood of showing a deeper commitment to DE&I compared to non-coding roles. However, non-coding roles are 47% more likely to include parent-friendly policies. Dr. Katherine Chia, a research scientist at Cangrade, points out the disparities in language use across different roles and stresses the importance of making job advertisements more inclusive to align with the tech industry's image as a leader in promoting a fair and inclusive workplace culture.

R. E.

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