sur A. Larry Ross Communications

New Research Validates Benefits of PRAY.COM App on Mental Health

In a recent partnership between PRAY.COM and several academic researchers, studies have indicated that the use of the app can significantly decrease anxiety, stress, and depression. Findings show a strong correlation between regular app usage and improved mental health, particularly crucial as digital connections increase while traditional interpersonal interactions decrease.

Spearheaded by PRAY.COM’s Chief Science Advisor, Dr. Jennifer Huberty, and her team, including notable figures from Biola University and the University of North Texas, multiple studies were executed. Initial surveys among PRAY.COM users revealed vast improvements in stress (74%), anxiety (69%), and depression (60%) levels. Furthermore, a controlled eight-week study indicated that frequent app interaction leads to enhanced mental health outcomes and increased mindfulness.

Additionally, a separate study focused on racial or ethnic minority groups, underlining the app's effectiveness across diverse demographics, supporting its feasibility as a mental health improvement tool. These positive outcomes position PRAY.COM as a pioneering digital platform in the intersection of technology, faith, and health wellness.

R. P.

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