sur Softwood Lumber Board

New Funding for Sustainable Mass Timber Construction in U.S. Cities

As global cities strive to cut their carbon footprints, mass timber is emerging as a key player in sustainable construction. Known for reducing embodied carbon emissions in buildings, mass timber offers a promising alternative to traditional materials. Its ability to store carbon, reduce waste, and improve occupant experience through biophilic design aligns with many cities' sustainability goals. In this context, the Softwood Lumber Board (SLB) announced the success of its recent mass timber accelerator programs and is seeking additional cities and funding partners for 2026.

Three recent mass timber accelerator programs in Boston, New York City, and Atlanta highlight the benefits of a coordinated effort between cities, federal agencies, and the lumber industry. These programs, supported by investments from the SLB, the USDA Forest Service, and other organizations, provide funding for early-phase mass timber development projects. Technical assistance is offered by WoodWorks, an SLB-funded initiative staffed with experts in wood construction, which aids in exploring funding sources, construction types, and labor and supply chain considerations.

Participating cities have seen significant advancements. Boston's final report from its 2021 program notes eight active projects totaling over 1.3 million square feet and 22 future projects with a projected 4.3 million square feet. Assessments show embodied carbon savings of 35% to 80% compared to steel structures, aligning with Boston's goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

SLB's President and CEO, Cees de Jager, emphasized the accelerator programs' role in enabling cities to meet sustainability goals faster and build expertise in low-carbon construction methods. The SLB now invites other cities to join the movement by applying for funding and expanding mass timber construction nationwide.

R. H.

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