sur Nemetschek AG (isin : DE0006452907)
Nemetschek Group Plans 15% Dividend Increase for 2024

Munich-based Nemetschek SE has announced a proposed dividend increase of nearly 15%, raising it from EUR 0.48 to EUR 0.55 per share for the 2024 financial year. This marks the twelfth consecutive rise in dividends, highlighting the company's commitment to a sustainable and shareholder-friendly dividend policy.
The potential increased payout would see total dividends rise from EUR 55.4 million to EUR 63.5 million, contingent on approval at the Annual General Meeting on May 20, 2025. This decision follows a successful financial year where Nemetschek exceeded revenue and EBITDA margin targets, achieving approximately EUR 996 million in revenue with an EBITDA margin above 30%.
The company's full audited financial statements are scheduled for release on March 20, 2025.
R. H.
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