sur A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ)

Nayax and A2Z Cust2Mate Unveil Innovative On-Cart Payment Solution

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. (EBR:AZ).

Nayax Ltd., a global payments and loyalty platform, and A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp., a leader in smart retail technology, announced a strategic partnership to integrate Nayax’s mobile payment system with A2Z’s Cust2Mate smart cart platform. This collaboration aims to enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to complete their entire shopping journey with the smart cart’s “pick-and-go” feature, eliminating the need for traditional checkout lines.

The Cust2Mate 3.0, equipped with a touchscreen, computer vision, and an advanced algorithm, transforms a standard shopping cart into an interactive and personalized shopping assistant. Incorporating Nayax’s hardware and software solution, the smart cart allows in-cart payments, boosting convenience for shoppers.

The partnership’s first deployment will be in France, with plans to expand globally, aiming to deploy tens of thousands of these smart carts. Nayax’s CEO, Yair Nechmad, highlighted the operational efficiency and enhanced shopper experience this innovation brings. Gadi Graus, CEO of A2Z Cust2Mate, emphasized the partnership's potential to increase retailer revenue and cut operational costs.

R. E.

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