sur Namibia Critical Metals Inc. (isin : CA62988F1027)

Namibia Critical Metals Achieves Milestone in Lofdal Rare Earth Project

Namibia Critical Metals Inc. has announced successful hydrometallurgical pilot tests for the Lofdal heavy rare earth deposit. This advancement results in a simplified procedure, reducing reagent use, and allows the production of high-purity rare earth carbonate. The flow sheet has eliminated several complex steps, enhancing efficiency.

JOGMEC, a partner in the venture, has increased its budget by $550,000 CDN, bringing its total commitment to over $15 million. This financial backing underscores confidence in the project’s potential.

Pilot tests demonstrated impressive recovery rates of approximately 94% for terbium and dysprosium. Continuous tests showed viable high-temperature sulphation results, leading to significant material dissolution. The updated process involves improved impurity removal, effectively reducing thorium and uranium content.

Namibia Critical Metals continues to evaluate the results for upcoming reports, aiming to manage inflationary impacts and progress toward production.

R. E.

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