sur The Naga Group AG (isin : DE000A161NR7)

NAGA Shareholders Overwhelmingly Approve Merger with

The NAGA Group AG announced a significant step forward with the approval of its merger with, receiving a remarkable 99.81% vote in favor during its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on April 12th. The merged entity aims to expand global operations and enhance the financial services offered through the NAGA SuperApp.

Octavian Patrascu, the new CEO of NAGA, outlined a broad vision for the company’s future, emphasizing market expansion, product enhancement, and comprehensive integration within the NAGA SuperApp. The merger, upon completion following regulatory approvals, is expected to harness efficiencies and synergies estimated to surpass $10 million annually.

Specifically, Patrascu’s plans involve extending NAGA’s reach to over 100 countries, leveraging technological advances such as AI, and introducing financial service innovations fostering a diminish in client acquisition costs while boosting brand awareness broadly. The merger is also expected to combine the strengths of both companies’ management and operational capabilities, significantly enhancing the market coverage and technological infrastructure.

R. H.

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