sur NACC Thailand

NACC Thailand Addresses Corruption Prevention in Rewards System for Officials

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) of Thailand has initiated discussions concerning the prevention of corruption risks associated with the rewards and incentives provided to officials. This move is designed to enhance the transparency and integrity of its operations, thereby bolstering confidence among both domestic and international stakeholders.

In a recent meeting, stakeholders deliberated on "Guidelines for Preventing Corruption Risk Regarding Bribe Payment and Rewards from the Performance of Officials." The goal is to refine these guidelines to ensure that rewards for officers are fair, consistent, and performance-based, particularly for those involved in anti-corruption efforts. The NACC has pointed out that the existing reward system, particularly in departments such as Customs, may incentivize officials to prioritize high-reward tasks over equally critical duties with lower or no incentives, leading potentially to corruption, inequality, and conflicts of interest.

The meeting saw participation from a wide range of governmental and law enforcement agencies, reflecting a collaborative approach to tackling the issues at hand. Discussions covered various topics, including eligibility for rewards, calculation of reward amounts, and mechanisms to prevent discretionary abuses and conflicts of interest.

Moreover, the NACC recognizes the potential benefits of modern information technology in improving the effectiveness and fairness of the reward system. The commission aims for the meeting's outcomes to help refine the reward guidelines, ensuring they foster more efficient law enforcement and greater transparency, ultimately contributing to a more effective fight against corruption in Thailand.

R. H.

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