sur Multitude SE (isin : MT0002810100)
Multitude's Swiss Relocation Set for Completion
Multitude p.l.c., a European FinTech company, anticipates finalizing its relocation to Switzerland on December 30, 2024. The move, approved by shareholders in September, includes transferring the company's registered seat to Zug, Switzerland, and rebranding as Multitude AG. The Malta Business Registry has consented, and the company will be registered in Zug after being delisted from Malta.
This relocation doesn't affect Multitude's listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, where its shares will continue to trade. Post-relocation, their home Member State for EU Transparency Directive purposes will shift to Germany.
Upon moving, Multitude's shares will adopt a new Swiss ISIN and WKN, and their trading symbol will change to MULT. The company's central securities depository will also transition to SIX SIS, the Swiss national CSD, while the LEI Code stays the same.
R. E.
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