sur Multitude SE (isin : MT0002810100)

Multitude SE Announces Additional Loans for Key Management under Share Plan

Multitude p.l.c., a European FinTech company, will grant additional loans to key management members as part of the Matching Share Plan. This plan allows participants to obtain company shares proportionate to their personal investment in company stock, with a 1:1 ratio. Participants can receive extra shares if the company’s value exceeds one billion euros on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for three months during the vesting period.

The company's board has resolved to increase loans under this plan by EUR 1.782 million, bringing the total to EUR 3.682 million. The loans will be used to acquire company shares from the market. Although these acquisitions do not qualify for Matching Shares, recipients might still obtain Unicorn Shares depending on personal acquisitions and plan criteria fulfillment.

The additional loans are repayable on demand and must be settled in full by 31 December 2029 with an annual 5.5% interest rate. The terms include default and bad leaver provisions, allowing the company to demand early repayment in certain situations, and a security pledge over acquired shares, subject to shareholder authorization.

R. H.

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