sur Hapag-Lloyd AG (isin : DE000HLAG475)

Moody’s Upgrades Hapag-Lloyd to ‘Ba1’ Rating

In a significant development, Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded Hapag-Lloyd’s credit rating from ‘Ba2’ to ‘Ba1’. This marks the highest rating received by the company since Moody’s began evaluating it in 2010. The elevation of the senior unsecured bond rating from ‘Ba3’ to ‘Ba1’ further underscores the company's financial stability, now assigned a ‘stable’ outlook.

This decision reflects Hapag-Lloyd’s robust performance in a challenging geopolitical climate. The company’s strong liquidity and careful balance sheet management were highlighted as key strengths. The bond's two-notch upgrade was largely due to the unencumbered nature of a high percentage of their assets.

Mark Frese, CFO of Hapag-Lloyd, expressed satisfaction with this recognition, reaffirming the company's commitment to its prudent financial policy and strategic goals for 2030.

R. P.

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