sur Money20/20
Money20/20 Europe Unveils Six Promising Fintech Startups
Money20/20, a major fintech event, showcased six startups that are set to innovate the financial sector. The announcement was made during the Money20/20 Europe's Startup Media Session on June 5th in Amsterdam.
The featured startups are Flexvelop, Brite Payments, Kore Labs, Nomyx, Velexa, and NALA. These startups cover various sectors including financing solutions, instant payments, RegTech, Web3 tokenization, wealth management, and international money transfers.
Flexvelop, based in Germany, offers flexible financing for business equipment. Brite Payments from Sweden provides fast, secure payments through open banking. UK’s Kore Labs digitizes financial product management to reduce regulatory risks and costs.
Nomyx, an American startup, enables the tokenization of various assets using Web3 and AI. Velexa from London offers a multi-asset investing platform, while NALA facilitates affordable cross-border payments to Africa.
Money20/20 aims to support and elevate fintech startups through initiatives like the Startup Media Session, providing a platform for growth and innovation in the fintech ecosystem.
R. P.
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