sur Money20/20
Money20/20 Europe Commences, Exploring the 'Age of Atomic Finance'
Money20/20, a leading fintech event, will host its Europe show in Amsterdam from 4-6 June. The event’s central theme is 'Human x Machine' with a focus on 'The Age of Atomic Finance'. This concept explores advancements in AI, cryptography, and quantum computing, which are driving precision in financial technology.
The event will gather industry leaders, including representatives from Google, IBM, J.P. Morgan, and Mastercard. Highlights include sessions with former French President François Hollande, and representatives from Revolut, Microsoft, Mistral AI, and Kraken. Discussions will cover trends in DeFi, cybersecurity, open banking, and AI.
A limited number of tickets are still available. Attendees will benefit from discussions, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities aimed at driving financial industry innovation.
R. P.
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