sur Money20/20
Money20/20 Europe Agenda Explores Hyper-Personalization in Finance
Money20/20, the prominent fintech event, has announced its agenda for the upcoming Europe show in Amsterdam from June 4-6. The agenda will delve into the use of advanced analytics and technologies to anticipate customer behavior and create a 'Customer Universe of One,' providing hyper-personalized financial solutions.
Thousands of industry leaders, including top executives from HSBC, Deutsche Bank, and ING, as well as tech giants like AWS and Visa, will gather to discuss the implications of hyper-personalization in financial services. Scarlett Sieber, Money20/20's Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, highlighted the theme's significance in enhancing customer control over financial well-being.
The event includes sessions on various topics such as AI in banking, the impact of Web3 technologies, and the feasibility of delivering tailored services to individual clients. Key speakers from Vodafone, Lloyds Banking Group, and NatWest will share insights on these transformative trends.
R. E.
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