sur Moment Factory

Moment Factory Revolutionizes the Concert Experience with Phish at the Sphere in Las Vegas

Moment Factory, the Montreal multimedia studio, recently concluded a series of four concerts at the Sphere in Las Vegas with the band Phish, from April 18 to 21, 2024. This collaboration marks a turning point in the live show experience, exploiting the advanced technologies offered by the venue to create immersive multimedia content mixing real and pre-designed visuals.

The studio was heavily involved in the artistic direction of the event, coordinating with designer Abigail Rosen Holmes and lighting designer Chris Kuroda. They introduced an innovative method in creating real-time generative videos, displayed on the world's most advanced LED screen, resulting in a unique visual performance for each concert. The use of technologies like Unreal and Notch, and AI to generate graphics, is part of an approach to pushing the creative limits of the studio.

The concert series also included collaborations with technology and design companies like Disguise and Fuse Technical Group, for seamless integration of video content. Moment Factory has also collaborated with various studios to enrich the audience's visual and audio experience.

R. E.

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