sur Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA)

Moderna to Present Diverse Research Studies at ESCMID Global Congress

Moderna, Inc. announced its participation in the upcoming European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Global Congress in Barcelona, from April 27-30, 2024. The biotechnology firm will showcase studies from their extensive vaccine research, covering diseases such as COVID-19, influenza, and RSV, as well as studies on cytomegalovirus (CMV).

The company is slated to deliver two late-breaker oral presentations and multiple other sessions at ESCMID. Among the notable studies, Moderna will present findings on the immunogenicity of their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in special populations, including solid organ transplant recipients and older adults. Additionally, discussions will cover new developments in their influenza and RSV vaccines, highlighting coadministration studies and phase trial results in different demographic groups.

Moderna's presentations will include significant data on the effectiveness and safety of their respiratory vaccines, potentially impacting future vaccine development and public health policies.

R. H.

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