sur Modelit

Modelit Becomes Salesforce Crest Partner

Modelit has proudly announced its new status as a Salesforce Crest partner, joining the top 15% of Salesforce consulting and implementation companies globally. This notable achievement highlights Modelit's ongoing commitment to Salesforce excellence.

The company attributes this success to its dedicated professionals, exceptional leadership, and a trusted client community. As a Crest partner, Modelit is recognized for delivering innovative solutions, meeting rigorous standards in quality, expertise, customer success, security, and performance.

Modelit's progress to Crest level involved maintaining a perfect 5.0 CSAT score, expanding expertise through project completion, and increasing Salesforce certifications. The company is also committed to philanthropy, gender diversity, and environmental sustainability, demonstrated by initiatives like Salesforce's Pledge 1% and the tree-planting pledge.

R. E.

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