sur MIRA Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MIRA)

MIRA Pharmaceuticals Unveils Promising Metabolite Nor-Ketamir-2

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action MIRA Pharmaceuticals (EBR:MIRA).

MIRA Pharmaceuticals has unveiled preclinical data on Nor-Ketamir-2, the principal metabolite of Ketamir-2. The data indicates Nor-Ketamir-2's high selectivity at the NMDA PCP site, with no activity at other receptor sites. This highlights its potential for safer neurological treatments.

Ketamir-2 Pamoate, a new formulation, shows near 100% oral bioavailability and improved brain penetration. This could make Nor-Ketamir-2 suitable for at-home use, contrasting with traditional ketamine, which requires intravenous or intranasal administration due to low oral bioavailability and safety concerns.

Ketamir-2 demonstrates sustained brain penetration and extended therapeutic efficacy in preclinical studies. This could reduce dosing frequency and improve patient adherence, making it a promising candidate for ongoing regulatory studies in cancer neuropathic pain, chemo-induced depression, neuropathic pain, and PTSD.

MIRA Pharmaceuticals plans to submit an Investigational New Drug (IND) application by the end of the year, marking a significant step toward clinical trials. The company aims to improve affordability, accessibility, and safety of treatments for neurological disorders.

R. E.

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