sur Mingyang Smart Energy Group
Mingyang's OceanX Sets Record: World's Most Powerful Floating Wind Turbine Successfully Sets Sail
On August 13, OceanX, the world's largest single capacity floating wind power platform, began its journey from Guangzhou to the Yangjiang Mingyang Qingzhou IV offshore wind farm in Guangdong, China. Covering 191 nautical miles in over 50 hours, its arrival marks a significant milestone in renewable energy, setting a new standard for offshore wind technology.
Developed by Mingyang Group, the OceanX platform features two 8.3 MW offshore wind turbines, making it capable of producing 54 million kWh annually. This output is enough to power 30,000 three-person households for a year. The platform's innovative design includes ultra-high performance concrete, bolstering its load-bearing capacity and reducing construction costs.
OceanX’s 'V' shaped configuration accommodates two towers, maximizing wind exposure and enhancing energy capture efficiency. Innovations such as the dual-access system and advanced cable-stayed mechanisms further elevate its performance. This design not only cuts down costs but also improves stability and operational maintenance.
Additionally, OceanX employs a single-point mooring system, providing enhanced stability and resilience against extreme weather conditions like typhoons. These technical advancements position Mingyang as a leader in offshore wind technology, driving the global transition to sustainable energy.
R. P.
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