sur M&G Credit Income Investment Trust Plc (isin : GB00BFYYL325)

M&G Credit Income Investment Trust Announces November 2024 NAV

M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc has disclosed its net asset value as of November 30, 2024. The unaudited cum-income net asset value per ordinary share was reported to be 94.50 pence. This figure reflects the performance of the company's investment portfolio over the specified period.

The information is aimed at stakeholders looking for updates on the company's financial health. Investors can access more details regarding the trust's options by visiting M&G's official investment website. This announcement was made public via EQS Group, emphasizing transparency in disseminating regulatory news.

Enquiries regarding this financial update can be directed to M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc through the contact details provided.

R. E.

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