sur Metro Bank Holdings PLC (isin : GB00BMX3W479)

Metro Bank Holdings PLC: Director Share Purchase

Metro Bank Holdings PLC has announced a transaction involving one of its non-executive directors. Paul Coby, a member of the board, purchased ordinary shares of the company. The transaction was conducted on March 10, 2025, through Barclays Capital Securities Limited.

The purchase involved 22,480 ordinary shares at a price of £0.869 per share. This transaction is categorized under regulatory announcements, reflecting the transparency required for public disclosures involving corporate insiders.

The company's legal entity identifier is 984500CDDEAD6C2EDQ64, and the financial instrument's identification code is GB00BMX3W479. This initial notification serves as part of the ongoing regulatory requirements for persons discharging managerial responsibilities.

R. P.

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