Metavisio enters into €50 million SAFE financing agreement

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action METAVISIO (EPA:ALTHO).

French company Metavisio, which specializes in the creation and marketing of laptops, has signed a financing agreement with American AI and Hardware Investments Ltd. The contract provides for the issuance of bonds for a maximum gross amount of €50 million over 36 months. The first tranche, amounting to €6.3 million, will be delivered in two installments of €3.15 million each to meet immediate cash flow needs related to orders in the fourth and first quarters of 2024.

The financing is based on a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) structure, providing Metavisio with flexibility to manage its growth while maintaining control over the release of tranches. The company has the option to repay the convertible bonds with new shares or in cash.

A loyalty dividend could be proposed at a general meeting to reward long-term shareholders. Metavisio insists on protecting shareholders' interests by limiting the sale of shares on the market if the price is higher than the previous day's close.

R. P.

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