Mersen Extends Debt Maturity to Strengthen Financial Structure

Paris, February 4, 2025 - Mersen, an expert in electrical power and advanced materials, has secured a US private placement with leading North American investors. This arrangement includes a US$100 million tranche maturing in 10 years and a €90 million tranche due in 7 years. These competitive terms highlight Mersen's investment-grade profile, with funds becoming available in April 2025 and repayable at maturity.
The transaction aims to extend the average maturity of Mersen's borrowings to 5.5 years, supporting the 2029 plan and preparing for refinancing a forthcoming Schuldschein private placement. Thomas Baumgartner, CFO of Mersen, emphasized the renewed confidence of financial partners and the diversification of financing options.
R. E.
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