sur Hank Payments Corp. (isin : CA41043X1006)

Melrose Ventures Seeks Default Judgment against Hank Payments Executives

Melrose Ventures LLC and Intelligent Payment Processing Inc., known as Melrose Group, have filed a motion for default judgment against Uptempo Inc., Michael A. Hilmer, and Jason Ewart. The case, filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Suffolk County, highlights the defendants' alleged malfeasance in Hank Payments Corp and Uptempo Inc.

The motion claims Hilmer and Ewart prevented major shareholders from participating in key meetings, impacting the companies' public debut. Melrose Group alleges professional and financial damage due to the defendants' inaction and seeks monetary damages covering fraud and other related violations.

Furthermore, Melrose Group plans to invoke laws such as the Federal Tort Claims Act and RICO Act for additional legal claims. Potential bankruptcy proceedings for Hank Payments are also considered to reclaim assets. The release aims to notify and inform stakeholders of the group's pursuit of justice.

R. P.

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