sur MedMira, Inc. (isin : CA58501R1029)

MedMira Appoints New Vice President of Business Development

MedMira Inc., based in Halifax, NS, announced the appointment of Ms. Rene Bell as the Vice President of Business Development as part of their strategy to expand in the US market. Ms. Bell, with over 20 years of relevant experience, predominantly in the US healthcare sector, will be tasked with driving direct sales and forging new distributor partnerships. Her prior experience includes impactful roles at companies like Akers Bioscience, where she significantly contributed to partnership development and sales enhancement.

According to Hermes Chan, CEO of MedMira, Ms. Bell's hiring is pivotal for exploiting the company's technological capabilities and enhancing market reach, potentially boosting MedMira's revenue streams in both the short and long term. The company's focus remains solidly on promoting its existing products like the G4 HIV and Miriad lines, and upcoming G4 CLIA waived product lines. With Ms. Bell's expertise, MedMira aims to solidify and expand its footprint particularly in the US market, strategizing towards substantial growth in the competitive healthcare sector.

R. P.

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