sur MediClin AG (isin : DE0006595101)

MediClin AG Reports Growth in Sales and Earnings

In the first nine months of 2024, MediClin AG achieved a 2.0% increase in consolidated sales, reaching EUR 558.2 million. The operating result also improved, standing at EUR 34.5 million compared to EUR 29.4 million in the same period of 2023. This growth allows the company to confirm its annual forecast for 2024. The post-acute segment saw a notable sales increase of 7.2%, while the acute segment experienced a decline of 8.5% in sales.

Encouraging performance was observed in the Other Activities segment with a 17.5% rise in sales, driven by the nursing care division. The hospital reform, expected soon, is anticipated to expand the need for rehabilitation services, aligning with MediClin's focus on outpatient care and digitalization.

In response to increasing demand for outpatient services, MediClin has expanded its offerings, opening an outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation facility in Durbach. The company maintains a positive outlook, supported by a strong financial position and a favorable EBIT margin in the third quarter of 2024.

R. H.

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